Green Procurement
Last Update : December26 , 2024
Green procurement
The Icom group, in every phase of its operation, takes into account the “conservation of the global environment” and the “protection of human health,” well recognizing that these issues are common to all humankind.
As part of such efforts, we set and comply with the Icom Group Green Procurement Standards to contribute to the efficient use of resources while opting for environmentally friendly parts and materials.
Green procurement standard
We procure parts and materials in line with the Icom Group Green Procurement Standards, which set requirements, etc. for our suppliers.
The Icom Group Green Procurement Standards have been revised to incorporate developments in laws and regulations, industrial standards, and social needs since they were first released back in 2005.
The latest revision that takes into account social needs and relevant laws and regulations at home and abroad resulting in the Icom Group Green Procurement Standards 7th Version, which was released in March 2024.
In compliance with the national and international laws and regulations concerned (the RoHS Directive, the EU REACH Regulation, POPs treaty, etc.), the Icom Group designates “Icom controlled substances,” based on IEC 62474 DB, a database provided by the International Electrotechnical Commission. These substances are regulated (or expected to be regulated) by said laws and regulations.
We request that you provide us with the Icom Report on Chemical Substances in Products, which consists of 1) Survey report on chemical substances in products, 2) Information on chemical substances in parts and materials (Table of ingredients or chemSHERPA) and 3) Composition diagram, based on understanding of the Icom Group Green Procurement Standards 7th Version.
As our CSR policy emphasizes responsible mineral procurement throughout the entire supply chain, we would also appreciate your submitting surveys on CMRTs for 3TG (tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold) and EMRTs for cobalt and mica.
Your cooperation in supporting our green procurement initiatives is appreciated.
・Icom Green Procurement Standard 8th Version
・アイコム グリーン調達基準 第8版
Controlled substances
The following is information on the substances subject to the Icom Group Green Procurement Standards:
• Reference Material 1 Icom Controlled Substance List ver.8.0.1
• Reference Material 2 Icom Exempted Substance List ver.8.0.0
• Reference Material 3 Icom Report on Chemical Substances in Products ver.1.0.1
• Reference Material 4 RMI Sheet, CMRT and EMRT
Updated sections are indicated in red.
Relevant documents4 will be distributed when we ask you to submit them to us.
• 関連資料1 アイコム管理対象物質リスト Ver.8.0.1
• 関連資料2 アイコム適用除外物質リスト Ver.8.0.0
• 関連資料3 アイコム製品含有化学物質報告書 Ver1.0.1
• 関連資料4 RMI帳票CMRT及びEMRT
Communication tool chemSHERPA
One of the survey documents to be submitted to the Icom Group is a chemSHERPA file.
A chemSHERPA file is available on the websites of the administrators.
chemSHERPA by JAMP……
*The administrators count downloads to monitor the adoption of chemSHERPA, which is available on its official website.
The latest version of chemSHERPA as of May24, 2024: Ver.2.09.00
A chemSHERPA file to be submitted should be based on Ver.2.09.00 or greater.